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Liturgy This Week

Feast of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ - June 14, 2020

Note: this is NOT a video of mass; the Eucharist is being celebrated on our behalf by the Archbishop and others (links can be found at This is a glimpse of what you would have heard and seen at St. Vincent's this weekend if we could have all been here together. We hope to re-open the church by the end of June. Stay tuned.

This Sunday is the Feast of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ. Some people still refer to it as "Corpus Christi Sunday", although the old feast of Corpus Christ was separate from the Feast of the Precious Blood. Now we celebrate the combined feast.

 -- We cannot get into the church building at the moment, so we had to film from a location in the office building.

BTW, we don't have any coffee and donuts today. However, if you stick around 'til the end -- we do have a special treat for you!

A special thank you to our friends @ who make sure that our artists get paid for their work. Here at St. V's, we are proud to maintain a license so that artists get paid.


We cannot gather together physically today, so we join together in spirit with: 

Opening Song:
O Love of God/Amor De Dios
Sing along with this licensed songsheet
by:Bob Hurd, Pia Moriarity. (Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-720006.​ All rights reserved.)
Responsorial Psalm:
Psalm 146, Praise the Lord, My Soul
by Rory Cooney (Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-720006.​ All rights reserved.)
2nd Reading: 
1 Corinthians 10:16-17
John 6:51-58
Father Jim Beighlie, CM
Duet: Patrick & Teri Wells 
I Am the Bread of Life
by Steve Angrisano, Tom Booth (Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-720006.​ All rights reserved.)

It wouldn't be church without a collection, right?

Even though you can't join us in person right now, we still have our neighbors who are homeless who need food every day. We continue to provide food - with heightened levels of safety. These extraordinary measures cost us more money than usual. If you can assist us in our mission to our community, please donate what you can.

Communion Song: 
Remain In Me, I Am the Vine
Sing along with this licensed songsheet
by Curtis Stephan, Steve Angrisano (Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-720006.​ All rights reserved.)
Closing Song: 
We Belong to You
Sing along with this licensed songsheet
by Victoria Thompson, Trevor Thompson (Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-720006.​ All rights reserved.)

This week's Coffee and Donuts bonus track for you:

While you go grab some coffee, some juice, and your favorite treat, here is Curtis Stephan's song Bread of Angels. Inspired by the ancient hymn by St Thomas Aquinas, Panis Angelicus, Stephan composed an adaptation of the text combined with the traditional Latin text and tune. It is a beautiful blend of the ancient and the new.

Bread of Angels
by: Curtis Stephan
You can also listen to Curtis discuss with Tom Booth how he came to compose this piece, and then here a simple version of him performing it live:
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Stay safe.
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