Liturgy This Week
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time -
June 21, 2020
Note: this is NOT a video of mass; the Eucharist is being celebrated on our behalf by the Archbishop and others (links can be found at archstl.org). This is a glimpse of what you would have heard and seen at St. Vincent's this weekend if we could have all been here together. We hope to re-open the church by the end of June. Stay tuned.
"Ordinary" - When was the last time that any of us used that word? Yet, here we are, back in "Ordinary Time". Even though we are not living in an ordinary time, our lives still go on; in fact during our closing song, we'll sing, "My life goes on in endless song...". Today we hear Jeremiah, St. Paul, and Jesus reminding us of how much our God cares for us - especially in the tough times.
Truly, if Love is Lord of heaven and earth, how can we keep from singing?
BTW, we don't have any coffee and donuts today. However, if you stick around 'til the end -- we do have a special treat for you!
A special thank you to our friends @ OneLicense.net who make sure that our artists get paid for their work. Here at St. V's, we are proud to maintain a license so that artists get paid.
We cannot gather together physically today, so we join together in spirit with:
Opening Song:
Be Not Afraid
Sing along with this licensed songsheet
by:Bob Dufford (Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-720006.​ All rights reserved.)
1st Reading:
Jeremiah 20:10-13
Responsorial Psalm:
Psalm 69,Turn to the Lord in Your Need
by Paul Tate (Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-720006.​ All rights reserved.)
2nd Reading:
Romans 5:12-15
Matthew 10: 26-33
Father Ed Murphy, CM

We pulled this recording out of the vault from a couple of years ago: Teri Wells sings this great old hymn with Margaret Bianchetta on flute and harmony vocals
His Eye Is on the Sparrow
(This song is in the Public Domain)
It wouldn't be church without a collection, right?
Even though you can't join us in person right now, we still have our neighbors who are homeless who need food every day. We continue to provide food - with heightened levels of safety. These extraordinary measures cost us more money than usual. If you can assist us in our mission to our community, please donate what you can.